Thursday, 16 September 2010

well what a busy month lies ahead , 1st I complete the Bristol half marathon sub 2hrs not bad seeing I hadn't done to much in terms training, 2nd team franco's
( 10 clients ) training for the Bristol belter ,120k bike ride .should be a great day
hoping the weather hold out. 3rd Aston court 10k (17 0ctober)
4th sobury slog . 10 miles cross country in all sort of .....
finally on to hair,
if your bored, fed up, fancy a change ,,not sure, disconection !!! is what its all about ,ask for a breif.
i promissed you wont be dissapointed.
special offers - mulipulater buy 1 get 1 free - hard to get - £18 for 2 saving 35%.
B 4 men shampoo & conditioner 750cc tweens £20.
LATE NIGHTS thurs /friday till 7. remember to take a loyalty card & work thro bronze - silver - gold

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

sorry that it has been a while since are last post, been very busy having the summer rest,

firstly what a great susses our street party was!!!! , thanks everyone for making it and memorable day .special thanks goes to monkey boy and his friends for planning the event,and the local traders (spice route) fantastic sandwich for food and drinks.

for all you sporty fans,well the world cup was a disaster unless you are Spanish ,or happen to be Andy who pick Spain in our Franco's world cup sweep stake £200 . enjoy your winnings !!
A couple of events to put in the diary
1st Bristol half marathon Sept 5Th see you there
2Nd Bristol belt er cycle ride (me and monkey boy doing it for charity 110k Bristol to cheddar and back
3rd Ashton court 10k Oct17 great race (hilly)
4Th so-bury slog 14 November( voted 2ND best race of the year )

that enough dates to get your self into shape before Xmas's

finally congratulations on our client SAM who is the 1st to rack through our loyalty cards scheme, bronze then silver then finally gold .well done (he get the keys to the shop).
remember late nights Thursday /Friday till 7
breakfast club Friday mornings 7.30 till 9.00 free coffee patisserie.

Friday, 7 May 2010

just a quick note all you runners this weekend the bristol 10k.
I be there, give us a shout if you see me .
Hope weather good for race day ,and REMEMBER
live the dream .
frank top tip ! start slow with a strong finish.
Best of luck see you at the start.

latest news update.
Barbering @ franco's street party Sunday 30th may bank holiday weekend from noon.
Franco invites you all ,to celebrates 25 yr s anniversary of barbering
on the Gloucester rd.
band,s- dj's & dj comp- mega BBQ- kids fun -silent disco from 8pm
charity raffle .
let,s not forget franco's world cup sweepstake .
come and join in should be great fun .
see you there.

regards franco.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Happy new year to you all, hope you all had a merry one.
Well what a start to the year ,massive dump of snow ,i cant remember
seeing that amount, for a long time!!!
Wednesday we had to closed,reason to much fun in st Andrews park
just great to see the park so packed. With all this snow its still feel like Christmas.
Bad news stuck at home eating and drinking plus over the
Christmas period the scales numbers don't look to pretty.
Never mind a couple of runs in the week will sort it out when all is clear.
In the world of hair ,me monkey boy and Sam have manage to keep cutting as, people cant make it in or working from home .
All left to say business as usual, take advantage of our appointments Thurs with Franco/ Friday with monkey give us a call to book, see you soon regards all from Franco.