Tuesday, 1 November 2011

charity month ( MOVEMBER )

Firstly we are in the month of November, 8 ks till Christmas,just though you wanted know that.!
well in Franco's this month we have token the role of growing some facial hair and creating a moustache.all in ad of charity and raising funds for prostate cancer .
as monkeyboy has very light facial hair colour, we gave him a head start as from august last year.
pop in to checkout who creating what!
we are open 4 late nights in the week, Tues /weds / Thurs /Fri till 7pm.

running events coming up!
so bury slog November 13th 10 mls cross counrty. see you there.very mucky!!!!

finally christmas gifts box sets are on sale now
B 4 men & American crew.