Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Bristol belter

Roll into October ,glad to see the back of September ,what with the Bristol half marathon and the Bristol belt er ,I am truly whacked.
Race day was warm which didn't help, but a controlled race I cross the line 2 hrs 5Min's. As thought I didn't do enough training..the same could be said for the Bristol belt er ,it destroyed me!! I Slept like a baby.
what new in Franco's well we have a new product range in call EVO. It's the same people who brought you fudge.
There are six styling Products to the range and a shampoo and conditioner .pop in and ask to see this new styling haze power.
It's mad ,just sprinkle it on to the hair to provide texture and a zero shine. Check it out !
Finally Franco's raised £500.00 for meningitis for all his effort's .